Turkey Legs
Seasoning choice and alternatives:
I am using a smouldering smoked applewood seasoning on my turkey legs before baking, however you can use any seasoning that you enjoy for this recipe. Some good alternatives are Montreal steak spice, Cajun seasoning, all purpose seasoning etc.
Basting every 20 minutes after that first hour of cooking is crucial to creating that beautiful glaze/lacquer on the outside of the meat.

Additional ingredients for brine:
Turkey & Seasoning:
Butter Baste:
In a medium pot boil the 5 cups of water, black peppercorns, fennel seeds, coriander seeds, rosemary sprigs, sugar, and salt for 20 minutes. Allow to cool.
In a large container add the cold water, ice, crushed garlic cloves, the juice and rind of 1 lemon, liquid hickory smoke , and the cooled brine. The container must be large enough to be able submerge both turkey legs completely in the brine solution.
Poke holes all over the cleaned turkey legs.
Submerge the turkey legs in the brine solution. Cover and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.
Remove the turkey legs from the brine solution and pat dry with a paper towel.
Place the turkey legs into a baking dish or try and sprinkle with the smoked applewood seasoning or alternative seasoning (see notes).
Place 1 tbsp of salted butter under the skin of each turkey leg
In a bowl melt the 3 tbsp of salted butter and to it mix in the chili powder, brown sugar and garlic powder.
Brush the turkey legs with some of the basting butter.
Cover the pan with foil. Bake in the oven at 375 degrees ferenheight for 1 hour.
Remove the foil and baste with some of the drippings and some more of the basting butter. Repeat basing ever 20 minutes for another hour and a half. You can also cook it until the internal temperate reads a minimum of 165 degrees ferenheight on a quick read thermometer. I personally like to roast it slowly a little beyond that. It is important to baste the legs often to achieve a nice glaze/lacquer on the meat. Enjoy!
- Seasoning choice and alternatives: I am using a smouldering smoked applewood seasoning on my turkey legs before baking, however you can use any seasoning that you enjoy for this recipe. Some good alternatives are Montreal steak spice, Cajun seasoning, all purpose seasoning etc.
- Basting: Basting every 20 minutes after that first hour of cooking is crucial to creating that beautiful glaze/lacquer on the outside of the meat.